A year ago, when I began this blog, I totally envisioned being where I am today—not far from where I started. Blogging is hard. There’s a lot of time and e ffort involved in creating a successful blog. It goes way beyond just writing. Your domain name, your web site design, your navigation and your content […]
Month: June 2017
My Red-Hot Weekend of Art, Food and Fruko in New York

It’s been a few years since my last trip to New York, but a stay in Times Square is a completely different experience than a weekend in Brooklyn. A melting pot of cultures, Hasidic jews share their space with Puerto Ricans while Dominicans neighbor up to Indians. It’s a place where a walk down Nostrand Avenue […]
Pet-owning Travelers: How to Find the Right Dog Sitter

My dog’s special needs make it difficult to find the right dog sitter or boarding facility that is willing to care for him during our travels. He comes with some baggage. Thanks to friends and family, we’ve been able to put off looking for professional sitting and boarding services for a year-and-a-half. But it’s time. He […]
Cuba: Visit the Hotels—Stay at Casa Particulares

Historically significant, Cuban hotels are a must do, but to get some rest & relaxation, opt for bed & breakfasts, or Cuban Casa Particulares, as they’re called. Not only are they more abundant, but they’re privately owned and offer the luxuries that their government-owned counterparts, the hotels, do not. The Pros and Cons of Staying in […]